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Beekeeping Gear

Hive Doctor USA Queen Excluder With Gated Plastic Rim


Hive Doctor USA Queen Excluder With Gated Plastic Rim

The Hive Doctor USA Queen Excluder With Gated Plastic Rim is an essential tool for beekeepers looking to manage their hives effectively during the honey season. This excluder is specifically designed to prevent the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers, ensuring that your honey remains free from brood. The design leverages the size difference between the queen and worker bees, allowing only the smaller worker bees to pass through the slots.


  • Queen Excluder Function: Keeps the queen out of the honey supers, ensuring clean, brood-free honey.
  • Gated Plastic Rim: Features a gated plastic rim for added durability and ease of handling.
  • Seasonal Use: Ideal for use during spring and summer; should be removed during autumn and winter to allow bees to cluster for warmth.
  • Efficient Hive Management: Simplifies the process of keeping your hive organized and your honey harvest pure.


  • Material: High-quality metal with a gated plastic rim
  • Dimensions: 510mm x 406mm x 363mm (suitable for 10-frame hives)
  • Weight: Lightweight for easy installation and removal
  • Compatibility: Fits standard 10-frame Langstroth hives


  • One: $24.95
  • Two: $45.99
  • Five: $109.99

Optimize Your Honey Harvest! Invest in the Hive Doctor USA Queen Excluder and take control of your hive’s productivity. Maintain brood-free honey supers and enjoy a cleaner, more efficient honey harvest. Order now and keep your queen where she belongs!