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Beekeeping Gear

8/10 Frames Mesh Bottom Board Rubber Feet With Beetle Trap


Product Description 

Premium screened bottom board with a built-in beetle trap 

Features ventilation channels to prevent moisture build-up inside the hive during chilly weather, and helps cool in extremely hot weather thus increasing the hive productivity and maturing the honey sooner. 

Rubber Feet for long-lasting 

The entrance has a slope, so the water can not go inside. 

Made from durable and premium quality wood.  Small hive beetles that fall off bees go through the screened bottom board and fall out to the ground. They cannot climb back to the beehive. Oz Armour's screened bottom board is best for hive ventilation. 

Galvanised tray slides out completely from the bottom board allowing maximum circulation of air through the screen. If you want to close up the beehive, slide the tray back into the bottom board to restrict airflow through the bottom board. 


  • 8 Frames: 540 mm*360 mm*110 mm 
  • 10 Frames: 540 mm*410 mm*110 mm 

It is intuitive in design and easy to remove debris from the hive.